I, Too, Shall Endure


When I think about what it means to be a woman, a mother, a daughter a sister, I think of the immense capability for compassion and love. I think about the power of the feminine, I think about the sea and the moon. I think about Mother Earth. I draw upon the power of nature to remind me that I, too, am powerful. I, too, shall endure. I, too, shall persist in this world. Despite what comes my way, I will bear witness to things that are unjust and I will be present for my fellow human beings. I will continue to teach my children compassion, I will continue to teach them perseverance and to work towards what is just and right. In uncertain times, the good the just and the kind will persevere.

Elizabeth Rexer Leonard: mixed media on wood 2016-“Hand Eyes & Mouth"

Elizabeth Rexer Leonard: mixed media on wood 2016-“Hand Eyes & Mouth"

This painting is a response to the objectifying of women, her hand is outstretched her breasts and groin are replaced by eyes and a mouth. She more than an object, she is woman, she is strong, she will persist. ***And wear whatever she likes!

Elizabeth Rexer Leonard is a New York native. Willem deKooning, Basquiat and Georgia O’Keefe are some of her strongest influences. Elizabeth’s focuses on gender issues and social injustices in her artwork. She attended the University of Rhode Island and taught art at City Arts in Providence RI. Artist turned Farmer, she spends her days, now sowing seeds and raising her two children.